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John Powers于2005年继承了父辈的百年电梯安装服务公司,并在2006年将公司地址由韦茅斯迁至位于昆西的威拉德学院大厦。John Powers是一名斯基尤特当地居民,目前拥有200名客户和8名全日制员工。大约40%的业务涉及客服电话,20%的业务为新电梯制造安装,另40%的业务为电梯的更新。
备注:本文为译文,内容以原文为准 来源:enterprisenews.com,金萍翻译
Century Elevator Keeping It In the Family
John Powers took over his father's elevator installation and service company in 2005, and moved Century Elevator Inc. from Weymouth to the former Willard School building in Quincy in 2006. Powers, a Scituate resident, now has more than 200 clients and eight full-time employees working at the company he owns. About 40 percent of the business involves service calls, while 20 percent is new construction and the remaining 40 percent consists of elevator renovations.
What are you focusing on in the coming year for your business?
(We are) looking to increase the service base. We are putting it out there to a more New England market. Originally our core foundation was Quincy, South Shore (and) Boston. Now we are kind of branching out. Our website which is under development, will offer services to New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, (and) Connecticut, in some parts, because there is a market there. What is happening is the independents are getting stronger because the larger companies are not providing any service.
I still want to be able to communicate on some level with my customers. That personal communication is so important to my business.
What are your target markets?
I would say (property) management companies is a big key to it. ... We do some pretty big developers on the South Shore. ... We have a lot of engineering firms, architectural firms that we align with but also (retail) chains, too.
What is there in the way of competition in your industry? How do you manage it?
Everyone has to use an elevator company. The competition is pretty fierce. It's a small industry but it's a very competitive one. ... When a customer (uses) one of the big companies as an elevator company on contract, it's much more difficult to get services. You are calling a call center in the middle of the country.
We have the advantage. I think the independents have the advantage. You can call us locally. Most of my customers have my cell phone. And so if it's an emergency issue, if it's an immediate issue, that's the line of communication. I think that really sets us apart from our competition. You have to be able to respond in this industry immediately. That's the core of what people are looking for in an elevator company, is responsiveness.
What is your relationship with the state Department of Public Safety as it relates to elevator inspections?
It's a yearly inspection and (what) basically happens is we maintain and report to our customer, that your elevator certificate is up and we schedule all the necessary repairs with the state Department of Public Safety. At that point, the department comes in and they go through a complete safety check every year.
The state has put on a number of new inspectors and they are going around enforcing. There are new laws in effect that if you don't have your elevator inspected on an annual basis, they surcharge you. If it's expired beyond six months and if it's beyond a year they will shut it down.
What are the latest advancements in new construction?
There's a lot of green technology going on. ... You have a lot of recycled materials being used in cab interiors. ... People love being able to say that they have an elevator cab interior that uses reclaimed metals and wood. ... It's a real focus, and when we buy materials from elevator providers, we make sure that they are part of the "green system."
What do you do if you get stuck in an elevator?
You really can't do anything. The elevator is designed so that you are basically in there and waiting for someone. It's not designed for you to use the escape hatch up top.
The safest place to be when you are stuck in an elevator is in an elevator. ... Trying to get out and prying the doors open is not a good idea. Just sit and wait and hope that you have a good elevator company that is going to respond in a timely fashion.